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Breast Reduction


Well proportioned and in shape breasts are asset to any woman. Disproportionately enlarged breasts cause some women to have both health and emotional problems. The weight of excess breast tissue can impair your ability to lead an active life. The emotional discomfort and self-consciousness often associated with having large pendulous breasts is as important an issue to many women as the physical discomfort and pain. The breast is reduced by removing part of the mammary gland and extra skin. The nipple is normally also reduced and placed higher on the breast. Enhancing your appearance with breast reduction surgery Breast reduction is a breast reconstructive procedure also known as reduction mammaplasty that reshapes the breasts in order to make them in shape, smaller, lighter, and firmer. Breast reduction surgery removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve a breast size in proportion with your body and to alleviate the discomfort associated with overly large breasts.

Is it right for me?

Breast reduction surgery is a highly individualized procedure and you should get it done for yourself, not to fulfill someone else’s desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image. Breast reduction can be performed at any age, but plastic surgeons usually recommend waiting until breast development has stopped. Childbirth and breast-feeding may have significant and unpredictable effects on the size and shape of your breasts.

You may be a good candidate for breast reduction surgery if:

  • You are physically healthy.
  • You have realistic expectations.
  • You are dissatisfied or self conscious by the feeling that your breasts are too large.
  • Your breasts limit your physical activity.
  • You experience back, neck and shoulder pain caused by the weight of your breasts.
  • You have grooving in your shoulder from bra straps that support heavy, pendulous breasts.
  • You have skin irritation beneath the breast crease.
  • Your breasts hang low and have stretched skin.
  • Your nipples rest below the breast crease when your breasts are unsupported.
  • You have enlarged areolas caused by stretched skin.

The Procedure

There are variations in the techniques of breast reduction surgery depending on your size & shape of your breast as well as desired amount of reduction each with slightly different scars. Dr. Goyal will discuss these options with you and will choose the procedure that is the best option for you. The most common breast reduction procedure leaves an inverted T or anchor-shaped scar that circles the areola and extends down to hide underneath the breast within the natural crease line.
The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, and typically takes 3 to 4 hours. After the incision is made, the nipple (which remains tethered to its original blood and nerve supply) is then repositioned. The areola is reduced by excising skin at the perimeter, if necessary. Underlying breast tissue is reduced, lifted and shaped. Occasionally, for extremely large pendulous breasts, the nipple and areola may need to be removed and transplanted to a higher position on the breast (free nipple graft). The incisions are brought together to reshape the now smaller breast. Sutures are layered deep within the breast tissue to create and support the newly shaped breasts. The incision lines that remain are visible and permanent scars, although usually well concealed beneath a swimsuit or bra and in most cases will fade and significantly improve over time.


After a week, daily activities can be resumed, while it is best to wait three weeks with more intense work. You may continue to experience some mild, periodic discomfort during this time, but such feelings are normal. Generally, post-operative instructions call for rest and limited movement in order to speed up the healing process and reduce the recovery time. Bandages are applied immediately following surgery to aid the healing process and to minimize movement of the breasts. Bandages can be removed the next day and a specialized surgical bra will need to be worn for several weeks. Avoid an under wire bra until your surgeon approves it. It is normal to experience some pain for a few days following breast reduction surgery. You can minimize potential problems by carefully following postoperative instructions. The sutures are generally removed two weeks after the surgery.

Expected Results

Breast reduction surgery might also help improve your self-image and self-confidence, as well as your ability to participate in physical activities. Patients who undergo breast reduction surgery frequently are seeking relief from physical symptoms caused by the excessive weight of large breasts. Breast reduction usually can solve these problems as well as improve the size and shape of your breasts. Following breast reduction, your breasts will be more proportional to the rest of your body, and clothes will fit you better. Anyone considering surgery, however, should be aware of both the benefits and the risks.

Risk Factor

You may notice that you feel less sensation in the nipple and areola areas. This usually is temporary. It may, however, take weeks, months or even more than a year before sensation returns to normal. Your breasts may also require some time to assume a more natural shape. Scarring: If you are unwilling to accept scars, you should not have mammoplasty, as no surgeon can predict how the scars will heal on you. The incision lines that remain are visible and permanent scars, although usually well concealed beneath a swimsuit or bra and in most cases will fade and significantly improve over time.


What is the right age for breast reduction surgery?
Breast reduction can be performed at any age, but recommendations are to wait until breast development has stopped, usually by 18 years.

Will there be scarring?
The various techniques for breast reductions produce different types of possible scarring. Traditional breast reduction surgery will produce anchor-like scars that extend around the nipple, down the middle of the breast, and under the breast. Vertical incision breast reduction surgery creates shorter scars which also circle the nipple and extend vertically down the breast, but do not continue under the breast. Scar-less breast reduction surgery typically only leaves minor, inconspicuous scars that are usually under the breast crease.
Avoiding breast reduction surgery because of possible scarring is not advisable, since the benefits of a breast reduction usually outweigh the appearance of scars. Scars from breast reductions also tend to fade over time and can usually be hidden under bras, bathing suits, or a low cut top.

Can I breastfeed after a breast reduction?
There is a chance that breast feeding may not be possible after breast reduction because of removal of glandular tissue and milk ducts. Remaining gland can still produce milk and you can safely breast feed however there is no guarantee that you will be able to do so. The level of risk depends on the surgical technique used for the procedure.

Does the breast enlarge once again after surgery?

After breast reduction surgery, usually breasts do not enlarge again. Unless you gain or lose a significant amount of weight or become pregnant, your breast size should remain fairly constant. However, the effects of aging and gravity may cause breasts to sag over time. If, after a period of years, you become dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts, you may choose to undergo a breast lift to restore their more youthful contour.

Is there any scar less technique of breast reduction?
Liposuction can be done for women with breasts that are not quite as large or where the skin is not much hanging or in patients who are anesthesia risks for longer procedures. For the best outcomes, women who choose this procedure have fatty, non-dense breast tissue with good skin and little ptosis (droop). Big reduction is not possible by this method as no excess skin is removed and the amount of glandular tissue which can be removed is limited, but it involves a quicker healing time and little scarring. This is the preferred technique for most of the un-married girls with heavy breasts.

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